Meeting Minutes — 4 March 2013

Lake Maspenock Preservation Association

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

MARCH 4, 2013


Mal­colm, Bri­an, Frank, Tina, Pat­ty, Mike, Mark

Start time: 7:03 pm


1. Review and vote to accept min­utes from Jan­u­ary 22nd meeting.

Post meet­ing min­utes to web­site after board approval

Mal­colm had changes:

Add the word “min­utes” to title of document

Mike should have been added as attend­ing the meeting

Clar­i­fy that noth­ing will be act­ed on: Car­ol Esler’s conservation

Over­lay Dis­trict comments

Machine Sand in the Park and Rec com­ment – change to “the sand will be machined, water depth must remain 3–4 feet deep”


Motion to accept min­utes with amendments:

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Mike



2. Treasurer’s Report – Dues rec’d?

There is $1,144.07 in check­ing account

Paid fee for Spring Social to Rod and Gun — $75.00

Email sent to mem­ber­ship on 3/2 – 90 emails, 3 responses

Drew – change Pay­Pal account to the new bank


3. Car­ol Esler – Email to mem­ber­ship con­cern­ing pro­tect­ing lake views

when new con­struc­tion takes place.

Car­ol is more than wel­come to address this issue at the Annu­al Meet­ing with the mem­ber­ship. Mal­colm had advised Car­ol of what should be addressed in an email to mem­ber­ship. Wait­ing for her response.

4. Fund raising

Mike met with Collela’s and Price Chop­per. He will bring our brochure to Colella’s at their request, he will get the name of the per­son in Price Chopper’s Cor­po­rate head­quar­ters to talk to. Did not get to talk to any­one at Bill’s Piz­za. He will fol­low up with PR per­son from EMC.


5. Dam Advi­so­ry com­mit­tee – Update-Mike, Mark, Frank

Frank and Mark signed up for the Com­mit­tee, Frank has been sworn

in by the Town. Dave Gibbs to also sign up. Meet­ings will begin

once com­mit­tee is formed and they have a sched­ule of meetings

6. Let­ter to EMC to express the need to look at the future of the com­plete par­cel owned by EMC – Sent last week

Mal­colm sent let­ter to EMC last week after review of E Board members


7. Pre­pare report to be sub­mit­ted to Con­ser­va­tion Comm. concerning

the results of the more exten­sive draw down. Post orig­i­nal report on our


Mal­colm to pre­pare the report and send the orig­i­nal report to Jen for

post­ing on our web­site and Facebook

8. Pre­pare Annu­al review of 2012, “State of the Lake”, for LMPA members

Mal­colm to pre­pare report

9. Friends of White­hall Annu­al meet­ing – Feb­ru­ary 5th, Guest speak­er From DCR to present infor­ma­tion about weed con­trol – did any­one attend?

No one attend­ed the meeting

10. Boat­ing safe­ty course – Mark

Mark sent a note to Peter regard­ing this years course

Wait­ing to hear back from him

Mark to send a note to Jack Mason as well

Need to pick a date soon

11. Spring kick-off social – March 30th

Paid for rental of Rod and Gun Club

E Board Mem­bers to con­tribute the Appetizers

E Board mem­bers to arrive at 6 pm to set up

Social event – 7pm to 10 pm

Invi­ta­tion to mem­ber­ship to be sent this week

Tina will ask Drew to get the tro­phy and have new win­ner inscribed

12. Meet­ing con­cern­ing zon­ing at 169 West Main

No one attend­ed the meeting

Look­ing to get the zon­ing changed to Busi­ness Zone from rur­al busi­ness. The uses that would be allowed under the busi­ness zon­ing would be about the same as cur­rent­ly allowed.




13. New Business

Dis­cussed var­i­ous events for 2013:


Annu­al Meet­ing – 7 pm on May 20th at Tina’s – E Board to discuss

fur­ther at April E Board Meeting

Fam­i­ly Fun Day – after beach clos­es for the sea­son due to construction

in the Spring

Fish­ing Der­by – May/June


Save the Date email once we final­ize dates for upcom­ing events


14. Next meeting?

Mon­day, April 8th – 7:00 pm, Tina’s


Motion for adjournment:

Motion: Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Tina



End time: 8:34 pm