Water Testing Results — 22 July 2013

Town of Hopkinton, MA — Public Bathing Beach


Oper­at­ed by Hop­kin­ton Parks and Recre­ation Depart­ment – Beach opens June 29, 2013 and clos­es August 18, 2013. It is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., sev­en days a week dur­ing this period

445. 031: Indi­ca­tor Organisms

… (B) For fresh water, the indi­ca­tor organ­ism shall be E. Coli or Enterococci.

(1) No sin­gle E. Coli sam­ple shall exceed 235 colonies per 100 ml. and the geo­met­ric mean of the most recent five E. Coli sam­ples with­in the same bathing sea­son shall not exceed 126 colonies per 100 ml. …

Indi­ca­tor Organ­ism — E. Coli

Sam­ple Date Left side of Beach CFU/100ml Cen­ter of Beach CFU/100ml Right side of Beach CFU/100ml

June 24 <10 <10 10

July 1 10 0 30

July 8 11 MPN 3.1 MPN 18 MPN

July 15 9 MPN 13.0 MPN 15 MPN

July 22 3.0 MPN 8.0 MPN 8.0 MPN

July 29

Aug 5

Aug 12

Aug 19

Aug 26

N.B. Although there are no life­guards at the beach after August 18, 2013 sam­ples will be tak­en to the end of August__

June — Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age 66 ⁰F, = +2.3 ◦ Fͦ month and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was inch­es, 12.11, + 8.42 inch­es for the month July – Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age ⁰F, + ⁰F for the month and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was____ inch­es, for the month August – Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age ⁰F for the month, and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was inches

Tem­per­a­ture and pre­cip­i­ta­tion infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by Blue Hills Obser­va­to­ry, Mil­ton, MA


CC: Parks and Recreation

Tina Mac­Connell, Patri­cia Hol­land, LMPA

Cost of pro­gram 2012 12 weeks (3 sam­ples $60.00) $720.00

Sam­pling and sam­ple deliv­ery 12 ($35.14/2 hrs) $843.00

Mileage $286.33 Total $1, 849.34


Meeting Minutes — 20 May 2013


Lake Maspenock Preservation Association


MAY 20, 2013


Quarum of 22 vot­ing mem­bers attend­ed the meeting.

Meet­ing start time: 7:15 pm


1. Exec­u­tive Board – Vote to accept the min­utes from the last E‑Board Meet­ing held April 8, 2013

Motion: Mal­colm Page

Sec­ond: Mike Riley



2. Treasurer’s Report

$1,785 in accounts

Con­tin­ue fund rais­ing efforts, get mem­ber­ship involved

Pat­ty to com­plete brochure once offi­cers are elect­ed and mail­ing to go out to mem­ber­ship. Some mem­bers and E‑Board Mem­bers to go door-to-door with the new brochure once com­plet­ed and printed.


3. Elec­tions:

-Trea­sur­er – 3 year term

Tina Mac­Connell continuing

Motion – Mal­colm Page

Sec­ond – Bri­an Eberlin

Unan­i­mous – Tina re-elected


-Exec­u­tive #1 — 2 years remain­ing on a 3 year term

Bill Casey – resigning

Rick O’Dell — nominated

Motion: Mal­colm Page

Sec­ond: Bri­an Eberlin

Unan­i­mous – Rick elected


-Exec­u­tive #3 — 3 year term

Mike Riley continuing

Motion: Mal­colm Page

Sec­ond: Bri­an Eberlin

Unan­i­mous – Mike re-elected


-Exec­u­tive #4 — 3 year term

Mark Sex­ton continuing

Motion: Mal­colm Page

Sec­ond: Pat­ty Holland

Unan­i­mous – Mark re-elected


4. Safe Boat­ing Course held again in April at the Fire Station.

22 peo­ple attend­ed, very suc­cess­ful. Will offer to mem­ber­ship again next year


5. Draw Down and Weed Con­trol – Bio­log­i­cal Sur­vey com­plet­ed after 2011/2012’s more exten­sive draw down. Find­ings are pub­lished on the web­site. New type of weed has been found in the lake, but the mil­foil prob­lem seems to have lessened.


6. Dam Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee – formed

Mem­bers from E‑Board: Mike Riley, Mark Sex­ton, Frank Holland

Mem­ber­ship mem­bers: Dave Gibbs

Goal is to pri­or­i­tize and use town resources

Remove brush, exam­ine leak­age and spill­way through vol­un­teer efforts

Meet­ings should start soon


7. Updates on Sandy Beach Renovation

Bri­an updat­ed mem­bers – Project has begun, Beach house is tak­en down

Park and Rec has $500,000 approved for improvements

Plans of ren­o­va­tions: New Bath House, Entrance Way, Under­ground Wiring

They plan to be com­plet­ed close to the timeline


8. EMC Land: Seek­ing to meet with EMC

The goal of meet­ing with EMC is to get them to agree to place restric­tions on the land they own around the lake which would per­ma­nent­ly pro­tect all or most of the land. Mal­colm to check with the Plan­ning Board and update mem­ber­ship as appropriate.


9. Water Test­ing – 3 times per year, in three loca­tions on the lake

Results are post­ed to the Web­Site and to Face­book page


10. Oth­er Business

Put buoys at Sandy Beach out ear­ly. Ear­ly sea­son swim­mers swim in boat chan­nel and its dangerous.


Water­shed View – pro­posed by Car­ol Esler to the mem­ber­ship, she request­ed help with her cause from mem­bers in attendance


Post to Web­Site and Face­book Page regard­ing golf balls being hit into the Lake.



11. Motion for Adjourn­ment – Mal­colm Page

Sec­ond: Pat­ty Holland

Meet­ing adjourned – 8:40 pm




Water Testing Results — 15 July 2013

Town of Hopkinton, MA — Public Bathing Beach


Oper­at­ed by Hop­kin­ton Parks and Recre­ation Depart­ment – Beach opens June 29, 2013 and clos­es August 18, 2013. It is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., sev­en days a week dur­ing this period

445. 031: Indi­ca­tor Organisms

… (B) For fresh water, the indi­ca­tor organ­ism shall be E. Coli or Enterococci.

(1) No sin­gle E. Coli sam­ple shall exceed 235 colonies per 100 ml. and the geo­met­ric mean of the most recent five E. Coli sam­ples with­in the same bathing sea­son shall not exceed 126 colonies per 100 ml. …

Indi­ca­tor Organ­ism — E. Coli

Sam­ple Date Left side of Beach CFU/100ml Cen­ter of Beach CFU/100ml Right side of Beach CFU/100ml

June 24 <10 <10 10

July 1 10 0 30

July 8 11 MPN 3.1 MPN 18 MPN

July 15 9 MPN 13.0 MPN 15 MPN

July 22

July 29

Aug 5

Aug 12

Aug 19

Aug 26

N.B. Although there are no life­guards at the beach after August 18, 2013 sam­ples will be tak­en to the end of August__

June — Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age 66 ⁰F, = +2.3 ◦ Fͦ month and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was inch­es, 12.11, + 8.42 inch­es for the month July – Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age ⁰F, + ⁰F for the month and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was____ inch­es, for the month August – Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age ⁰F for the month, and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was inches

Tem­per­a­ture and pre­cip­i­ta­tion infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by Blue Hills Obser­va­to­ry, Mil­ton, MA


CC: Parks and Recreation

Tina Mac­Connell, Patri­cia Hol­land, LMPA









Cost of pro­gram 2012 12 weeks (3 sam­ples $60.00) $720.00

Sam­pling and sam­ple deliv­ery 12 ($35.14/2 hrs) $843.00

Mileage $286.33 Total $1, 849.34


Water Testing Results — 8 July 2013

Town of Hopkinton, MA — Public Bathing Beach


Oper­at­ed by Hop­kin­ton Parks and Recre­ation Depart­ment – Beach opens June 29, 2013 and clos­es August 18, 2013. It is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., sev­en days a week dur­ing this period

445. 031: Indi­ca­tor Organisms

… (B) For fresh water, the indi­ca­tor organ­ism shall be E. Coli or Enterococci.

(1) No sin­gle E. Coli sam­ple shall exceed 235 colonies per 100 ml. and the geo­met­ric mean of the most recent five E. Coli sam­ples with­in the same bathing sea­son shall not exceed 126 colonies per 100 ml. …

Indi­ca­tor Organ­ism — E. Coli

Sam­ple Date Left side of Beach CFU/100ml Cen­ter of Beach CFU/100ml Right side of Beach CFU/100ml

June 24 <10 <10 10

July 1 10 0 30

July 8 11 MPN 3.1 MPN 18 MPN

July 15

July 22

July 29

Aug 5

Aug 12

Aug 19

Aug 26


N.B. Although there are no life­guards at the beach after August 18, 2013 sam­ples will be tak­en to the end of August__

June — Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age 66 ⁰F, = +2.3 ◦ Fͦ month and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was inch­es, 12.11, + 8.42 inch­es for the month July – Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age ⁰F, + ⁰F for the month and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was____ inch­es, for the month August – Tem­per­a­ture for the month aver­age ⁰F for the month, and pre­cip­i­ta­tion was inches

Tem­per­a­ture and pre­cip­i­ta­tion infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by Blue Hills Obser­va­to­ry, Mil­ton, MA



CC: Parks and Recreation

Tina Mac­Connell, Patri­cia Hol­land, LMPA


Cost of pro­gram 2012 12 weeks (3 sam­ples $60.00) $720.00

Sam­pling and sam­ple deliv­ery 12 ($35.14/2 hrs) $843.00

Mileage $286.33 Total $1, 849.34