Meeting Minutes — 13 January 2014

Lake Maspenock Preservation Association

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2014


1. Don Keis­er to dis­cuss mem­ber­ship in COLAP, Mark Sex­ton interested

Don attend­ed the meet­ing to dis­cuss the mer­its of join­ing the Coali­tion of Lakes and Ponds(COLAP). We vot­ed to pay the mem­ber­ship fee of $40. Don and Mark were to attend the next meet­ing on Jan­u­ary 25th and coor­di­nate this together.


2. Review and vote to accept min­utes from Novem­ber 18th Gen­er­al meet­ing. Post meet­ing min­utes to web­site after board approval.

Meet­ing min­utes accept­ed with a unan­i­mous vote.


3. Treasurer’s Report – Dues rec’d, new mem­ber­ships, renewals?

The bank account bal­ance is cur­rent­ly $2,763.67.


4. Web­site-Domain name, Dave Cormi­er, Jen…

Must ask Jen Jort­ner-Cas­sidy to get in touch with Dave Cormi­er to work this out


5. Draw down, issue with Spin­del Island

The home on the Island lost most water ser­vice. Mal­colm respond­ed to inquiries from the Hop­kin­ton Cons. Comm. and DPW. The Spin­dels had nev­er indi­cat­ed they lost water dur­ing the 1st extend­ed draw down. It appears that the well they draw water from is fed by water infil­trat­ing from the lake, so they are direct­ly affect­ed by the lake lev­el. The sys­tem has nev­er been inspect­ed, they will not allow it, so no one real­ly knows what is there. At the time of the Town inquiries the lake had risen to approx­i­mate­ly nor­mal win­ter draw down lev­els. No fur­ther action was required.


6. Update on Sandy Beach make-over, Bath house

See item #9 below


7. Win­ter social

Winter/Spring social – Try to reserve the Woodville Rod & Gun club for March 8th.


8. Boat­ing safe­ty course

Mark Sex­ton to pur­sue orga­niz­ing for ear­ly April


9. Fish­ing derby/family fun day, chris­ten­ing par­ty for Sandy Beach with Parks and Rec.

Events have to be coor­di­nat­ed with Parks and Rec. Much depends on when things will be fin­ished up with the 1st phase of the Sandy Beach up-grades. Drew will get in touch with Amy Markovich at Parks and Rec. She is the liai­son to the LMPA. She will be invit­ed to our next meet­ing in February.


10. Pho­tos for Face­book page and web site

The lead pic­ture on the site changes peri­od­i­cal­ly, using donat­ed pho­tos. Need to encour­age more pho­tos to be sent.


11. Need to update By-laws – Change in annu­al dues, def­i­n­i­tion of “Senior member”

Mal­colm to work on this


12. New business


11. Next meet­ing? Feb.3,4,5_Wed 2/5_?Place__Tina’s______

12. Motion for adjournment

Adjourned 8:15 PM