Meeting Minutes — 6 May 2014

Lake Maspenock Preservation Association

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

May 6, 2014


Malcolm, Patty, Tina, Mark, Mike, Rick, Frank

Start time:  7:06 pm


  1. Review, dis­cuss changes and vote to accept min­utes from April 9th meet­ing.  Post meet­ing min­utes to web­site after board approval.

Mal­colm had changes which he asked Pat­ty to review and change on 4/9 meet­ing min­utes.  Once com­plet­ed, they can be posted.

Motion:  Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Tina


  1. Trea­sur­ers report – New mem­bers…  Account balance?

No update, Tina will update at next meeting

  1. David Gold­man, Pres­i­dent of the Hop­kin­ton Area Land Trust and Mal­colm attend­ed the April 14th Selectmen’s meet­ing.  The Select­men vot­ed to sup­port the con­ser­va­tion restric­tion for land near the lake, locat­ed off Oakhurst Rd. and to allow the LMPA to act as Stewards

Select­men vot­ed to approve, LMPA is now the stew­ard of said land.

  1. Web­site-Domain name, Dave Cormi­er, Jen Cas­sidy… — Pat­ty to facilitate.

Pat­ty to work with Jen, she needs Dave Cormier’s con­tact info, Pat­ty to provide

  1. Update on Sandy Beach make-over, Bath house, Chris­ten­ing Par­ty, 1st week­end school is out? Coor­di­nate with Parks and Rec.

Con­trac­tor was award­ed con­tract, no elec­tric­i­ty yet.  Start­ed exca­va­tion of soil and rocks.

We can have the meet­ing and the Fish­ing Derby

  1. Annu­al meet­ing, fish­ing derby/family fun day, May 31st?  Weigh-in for the fish­ing Der­by at 2:00, Annu­al meet­ing and elec­tions at 1:00.

Need infor­ma­tion on which posi­tions are up for election

We will have the Fish­ing Der­by and the Annu­al Meet­ing on

May 31st.  Fish­ing Der­by reg­is­tra­tion on the beach at 6:30 am,

Tour­na­ment to start at 7:00 am, $40/boat of 2 people

2:00 pm weigh in and prizes to be given

Sand­wich Boards – Frank will put out boards with info

Mike will bring Lake Gear for sale

Time for Annu­al Meet­ing:  1:00 pm

Agen­da to be elec­tions of board mem­bers and COLAP update

  1. Bio­log­i­cal study/Lake draw down – Mal­colm to dis­cuss with the Con­ser­va­tion Com­mis­sion as to whether a bio­log­i­cal study of the lake will be nec­es­sary this year

Mal­colm needs to con­tact Don McAdams and Eric Car­ty for actu­al draw­down amount.

  1. Dam Advi­so­ry committee

Mark Sex­ton was sworn in, back of dam is leak­ing, need to investigate

  1. New Busi­ness

Mark Sex­ton to do the water sam­ples this weekend

4th of July Parade – 2:00

Pat­ty will cre­ate fly­er for Fish­ing Der­by, Tina to send to mem­ber­ship, Frank to print Sand­wich Boards and put out

Mal­colm to put togeth­er email for Annu­al Meet­ing and Elec­tions to send to membership

  1. Next meet­ing? May 31st- Annu­al Meet­ing,  Place – Sandy Beach,

1:00 PM

  1. Motion for adjournment

Motion:        Mal­colm

Sec­ond: Tina


End time of meet­ing:  8:35 pm