LMPA Apparel with New Logo — Order Here!!


Don’t miss out on LMPA Appar­el with our new logo!!! 
For those who came to the Corn­hole tour­na­ment, you may have noticed we had sam­ple sizes of appar­el to try on. The logo will be on the upper left of the T‑shirts and long sleeve‘s and will be across the front of the tank tops. Below is the link to put in your order for what you would like.

1. In the com­ment sec­tion of the SIGN-UP GENIUS LINK, it is very impor­tant that you put what size you would like. 
2. We will be send­ing an invoice through Pay­Pal for you to pay for your item once you place your order.
3. The dead­line to order is August 31st!

We esti­mate anoth­er 4 to 6 weeks or so once we place the order for them to come in. We will put out a post and send an email and either arrange for drop off or pick up when the time comes.

Any ques­tions PM Sabine St Pierre. This is our first time doing it so please be patient with any glitch­es and we are cer­tain­ly open to sug­ges­tions for the next time around. We will plan for addi­tion­al items like hats, tow­els, decals, etc




Hel­lo LMPA Membership!

We are pro­vid­ing the link below to an online sign-up sheet for food for the Corn­hole After Par­ty at the Sweeney’s house.  It’s a great way for us to keep track of who will bring what, and how much food we will have.


Just click the link and it brings you to a web­site (Sign Up Genius).

You can then select what you would like to bring to the party.

The LMPA will pro­vide hot dogs, ham­burg­ers, and pop­corn.  We will also pro­vide the paper prod­ucts and uten­sils.  There will be tables and plugs for crock pots to be plugged in.

Thank you in advance for help­ing out, see you on the 28th!!!

The LMPA E‑Board Offi­cers and Members



Hel­lo LMPA Membership:

We had great atten­dance at the Annu­al Meet­ing on June 6th and sev­er­al excel­lent sug­ges­tions were made by the mem­ber­ship.   Thank you!     As we are an all-vol­un­teer orga­ni­za­tion, we are reach­ing out to the mem­ber­ship for vol­un­teers to help us with the fol­low­ing items/tasks:

  1. Set­ting up a fundrais­er to pro­mote home­own­ers to use Non-Phos­pho­rus Organ­ic Fer­til­iz­er.  Sug­ges­tions made were to sell signs for people’s lawns, who actu­al­ly use Non-Phos­pho­rus Organ­ic Fer­til­iz­er. We would need 1–2 peo­ple to head up this fundrais­ing task, and report back to the E‑Board for approvals.
  2. It was sug­gest­ed that the E‑Board cre­ate a quar­ter­ly newslet­ter to send to the mem­ber­ship. We would need 1–2 peo­ple to orga­nize infor­ma­tion, bring their draft newslet­ter to a Board Meet­ing quar­ter­ly, and then post the newslet­ter to the mem­ber­ship, once it is approved by the E‑Board.
  3. Social Com­mit­tee – we are again look­ing for vol­un­teers (10–12) to help with the var­i­ous events that we hold each year. Being on the com­mit­tee does not mean that you have to vol­un­teer for each event, although you can, but if we can get 4–5 peo­ple assigned to each of our events, it would be a great help to the E‑Board mem­bers who over­see these events:

    Spring Fling
    Lake Clean Up
    Fam­i­ly Fun Day
    Fourth of July Boat Parade
    Corn Hole Tournament
    Chili Cook Off/Tailgate

    We want to con­tin­ue to pro­vide these events to the mem­ber­ship, but it most­ly falls on a few indi­vid­u­als.  Any help you can pro­vide for these events is great­ly appreciated!

  1. His­toric Com­mit­tee – we would LOVE for 1 or 2 vol­un­teers to pos­si­bly attend the Town His­toric Com­mit­tee meet­ings when held, gath­er any his­to­ry (pho­tos, news clip­pings, etc.) from around the lake from some of the long-time res­i­dents, and present to the E‑Board for pub­lish­ing on our web­site and Face­book pages.


Please reach out through email (lmpa.org@verizon.net) if you are inter­est­ed in any or all of these vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties.  “It takes a vil­lage”, and we have one of the best!!!!


Thank you in advance for your consideration,

The LMPA E‑Board Members

12th Annual Fourth of July Boat Parade!!!


Please join us for the 12th Annu­al 4th of July Boat Parade!

Judg­ing booth will be at 28 Lakeshore Drive.

Please stop by if you would like to be part of the judging.

Judges will select best 3, then the mem­ber­ship will vote for the winner!!

Introducing our new logo!!!

We intro­duced our new logo at the Annu­al Meet­ing last night.

A big shout out thank you to Mark Camp­bell for design­ing this for the Asso­ci­a­tion and for donat­ing your time and expertise!!!

Stay tuned, we are going to try to open a vir­tu­al “store” so you can buy mer­chan­dise online (t‑shirts, hats, etc.)

We will keep you updat­ed when we get that up and running.


Please join us on Tues­day, June 5th at KO for our annu­al meet­ing. We will be pro­vid­ing updates on var­i­ous items as well as look­ing for feed­back, sug­ges­tions and vol­un­teers from mem­ber­ship on how to con­tin­ue to grow our lake com­mu­ni­ty.  We will also be vot­ing on sev­er­al items, so please make sure your mem­ber­ship is cur­rent in order to par­tic­i­pate in vot­ing. There will be light appe­tiz­ers served. Cash bar.

AGENDA for Tuesday:
Annu­al Meet­ing, June 5, 2018

• Treasurer’s Report – mem­ber­ship & finan­cials – dis­cuss weed fund.
• Elections

Serv­ing Term Expires 
PRESIDENT Mal­colm Page 2018
VICE PRESIDENT Drew Logan 2020
SECRETARY Pat­ty Hol­land 2020
TREASURER Tina Mac­Connell 2019
BOARD MEMBER #1 Sabine St. Pierre 2018
BOARD MEMBER #2 Matt DeMar­zo 2018
BOARD MEMBER #3 Mike Riley 2019
BOARD MEMBER #4 Mark Sex­ton 2019
BOARD MEMBER #5 Jaime Goncalves 2020

• Intro­duc­tion of new logo
• Town of Hop­kin­ton Lake Maspenock Weed Man­age­ment Cit­i­zens Input Team update
• Water qual­i­ty & mon­i­tor­ing update
• Boat­ing safe­ty recap
• Lake cleanup recap
• Social com­mit­tee update
o Recap of Winter/Spring Gala at HCC
o Fam­i­ly Fun Day & Pic­nic– June 9 (3pm-6pm)
o Annu­al Boat Parade – July 4
o 3rd Annu­al Corn­hole Tour­ney – July 28
o 3rd Annu­al tailgate/chili cook-off – Fall 2018
• Sandy Beach/Parks & Rec update
• His­to­ry Com­mit­tee interest?
• New busi­ness, open meet­ing to dis­cuss con­cerns, sug­ges­tions or feedback
• Motion for adjournment



3rd Annual Cornhole Tournament Registration

Reg­is­tra­tion for the LMPA Corn­hole Tour­na­ment is now open. The tour­na­ment will be held on Sat­ur­day, July 28, 2018, at var­i­ous homes around the lake. The tour­na­ment will begin at 12n.

Tro­phies and cash prizes will be awarded

We will cap reg­is­tra­tion again this year at 24 teams with 2 play­ers on each team. One per­son on each team must be an LMPA Mem­ber. The cost to play is $50.00 per team.

There will be a pot luck gath­er­ing fol­low­ing the tournament.

Please email us the fol­low­ing information:

Names of Both Players
E‑mail address­es for each player
Cell phone numbers
Team name

Pay­ment can be made on our web­site, www.lmpa.org, via Pay­Pal or by mail­ing a check payable to the LMPA and sent to:

                             LMPA (Tina MacConnell)
                             6 Downey Street
                             Hop­kin­ton, MA 01748

Please note that we can only con­firm a team once pay­ment for both play­ers is received.

The Pay­Pal account is set up for Team Pay­ments only ($50.00).

Corn­hole rules, menu requests and host infor­ma­tion to follow.

Fin­gers crossed for anoth­er beau­ti­ful day!!

Thank you,

The LMPA Corn­hole Committee