Executive Board Meeting Minutes from July 20, 2015

Exec. bd meet­ing min­utes ‑072015

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Web­site: www.lmpa.org         Email: lmpa.org@verizon.net

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Exec­u­tive Board Meet­ing Minutes

July 20, 2015


Atten­dance:  Mal­colm, Pat­ty, Tina, Sabine, Drew, Matt, Mark

Start time:     7:05 pm


  1. Treasurer’s Report – as of 6/30/15

$4,313.78 in reg­u­lar account

$4,826.87 in Weed Fund

Mem­ber­ship is up, get­ting more activity


  1. Town of Hop­kin­ton Weed Man­age­ment Advi­so­ry Board

Three peo­ple have been approved to serve on the advisory:

            Cyn­thia Estheimer

            Drew Logan

            Jaime Gonzalves

            A rep­re­sen­ta­tive from Park & Rev and Con­serv. Comm. need to be appoint­ed by the Board of Select­men.  Next Board of Select­men meet­ing is 8/11, they should have selec­tions by then and then will sched­ule their first meeting.


  1. Extend­ed Draw Down

Want to draw down to 7–8 feet

Check with the town about Spin­del Island – some­one will need to meet with them to dis­cuss (John Westerling???)

Per­mit states we have to noti­fy mem­ber­ship by 8/15

Opti­mal draw lev­els would be 2” per day (cur­rent­ly 1”)

Mal­colm will get a let­ter togeth­er to present to Con­serv. Comm.

We will need a new weed study, good idea to use as a baseline

Need to doc­u­ment cur­rent con­di­tions with photos.

LMPA will pay for the weed study (approx. $1,000) and try to get reim­bursed through the town from the funds available.

Motion:  Expend the mon­ey need­ed for Bio­log­i­cal Sur­vey by ACT

            Motion:  Malcolm

            Sec­ond: Patty



  1. Boat Parade

Win­ner:  Chris Caldwell

Hon­or­able Men­tion:  Dan Logan


Tina had asked Chris­tine Snow (lake res­i­dent) to take pic­tures of the lake and the Boat Parade and to update Face­book regularly.

For thank­ing her for her efforts, we will adver­tise her busi­ness on Face­book and the Website.


  1. Exec­u­tive Board Space

Paul Szulews­ki would like to be replaced on the Board.  He is plan­ning to move out of state soon and will not be able to serve.

Look­ing at replace­ments for Paul, will dis­cuss at the next board meeting.


  1. Grand Open­ing – Sandy Beach party

Big suc­cess, over 300 peo­ple attend­ed.  Good expo­sure for LMPA, excel­lent com­mu­ni­ty event.  Rein­forces rela­tion­ship with town mem­bers who do not live on the lake.  Need to reim­burse Sabine $180 for sup­plies for party.

Talk to Lau­ra (Park & Rec lia­son) about putting some infor­ma­tion on our web­site about beach pass­es, etc (“Check out Sandy Beach” Pass­es avail­able) with a link to Park & Rec site.


  1. Insur­ance

If we co-spon­sor with the town on an event, does the town insur­ance cov­er any cat­a­stro­phe?  Do we need so much insurance?

      Mark will check with oth­er lake asso­ci­a­tions to see what their cov­er­ages are

      EBoard vs. Event Insur­ance – Matt to check our pol­i­cy, what does it cover


  1. New Busi­ness

Noth­ing to report at this meeting


Next meet­ing:  Mon­day, August 10th – 7:00 pm at Tina’s


Motion to adjourn:           Malcolm

Sec­ond: Drew



Meet­ing end:  8:50 pm