Executive Board Meeting Minutes from September 1, 2015

Exec. bd meet­ing min­utes ‑090115

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Web­site: www.lmpa.org         Email: lmpa.org@verizon.net

Lake Maspenock Preser­va­tion Association

Exec­u­tive Board Meet­ing Minutes

Sep­tem­ber 1, 2015


Atten­dance:  Mal­colm, Drew, Pat­ty, Tina, Mike, Sabine, Matt, Jaime

Start time:     7:15 pm


  1. Treasurer’s Report – no changes from last meeting

Reg­u­lar account:  $4,016.68

Weed Fund:  $4,957.08

Con­stant new mem­ber­ships and dona­tions com­ing in.


  1. Review and dis­cuss any changes or clar­i­fi­ca­tions to the meet­ing min­utes from August 10th Bd. Meet­ing.  Vote to accept the min­utes, post meet­ing min­utes to the web­site after board approval

Min­utes not avail­able, Pat­ty to send to E‑Board at a lat­er date for approval.  Will vote to accept at next meeting.


  1. Extend­ed Draw Down

Dave Gibbs called Spin­del Island fam­i­ly, they have agreed to $1,000 to move and allow Extend­ed Draw Down with no issues

Mike put togeth­er a hous­ing agree­ment for them to sign.

Pay­ment will be made 10/1 out of reg­u­lar funds, with the inten­tion to ask Board of Select­men to reim­burse LMPA from the Weed Funds approved by Town Meet­ing.  This should be turned over to the Town in the future.


  1. Bio­log­i­cal Survey

            Bio­log­i­cal sur­vey was com­plet­ed by ACT on 8/31/15.  AB Aquat­ics (DASH com­pa­ny) to do com­pre­hen­sive sur­vey of the lake in Sep­tem­ber to deter­mine worst areas to be focused on.  They will give results once com­plet­ed to LMPA and the Town.

  1. Dis­solved Oxy­gen Testing

2 addi­tion­al tests will be per­formed in addi­tion to our nor­mal Water Test­ing.  Test­ing to be done in Sep­tem­ber in the North Basin

Mal­colm to send noti­fi­ca­tion out to mem­ber­ship and update on weed control.

  1. Ropes and Mark­ers – Park & Rec

Ropes are mark­ers were removed from Sandy Beach, even though Lau­ra had asked at the Park & Rec meet­ing to have them remain until after Labor Day.  Sabine talked with Lau­ra, Lau­ra will look into why they were removed.  Pos­si­bly a sign in the bath house should be put up regard­ing this.


  1. Web­site and Facebook

Pat­ty has been doing the updates and adding infor­ma­tion and photos.

Put a fold­er up on Safe­ty on the web­site (Boat­ing Safety)

Start a Fun Fact Fri­day on Face­book,  one per­son each week to send a fun fact to Pat­ty to post on Face­book (this week, Drew will send “Did you know” about PWC safety.


  1. Lake Clean Up

Octo­ber 17th, 9:00 am

As usu­al, cof­fee and donuts at 9:00 am

Piz­za for vol­un­teers at 12:00 pm

Pat­ty to post on Face­book, Tina to send email to membership.


  1. New Busi­ness

Talked about new fun activ­i­ties that can be planned for members:

            Lake Corn Hole Tour­na­ment, go from home to home on the lake and play

            Vol­ley­ball Tournament

Sabine to talk with Lau­ra to try to get some­thing set up, if not this year, next year.

Update brochure and send to Sabine so she can dis­trib­ute to Wel­come Wag­on when new neigh­bors move to the lake.

Next meet­ing:  Tues­day, Octo­ber 6th, 7:00 pm, Tina’s house

            Motion to adjourn:           Malcolm

            Sec­ond: Mike


End time:  8:45 pm