7th Annual Cornhole Tournament is in the books!

Con­grat­u­la­tions to the win­ners, The Unicorns!

It was a hot­ly con­test­ed finals, with last year’s win­ners, Corn­hole Budz.

Con­grat­u­la­tions and many thanks to all of the teams that played, we hope you had fun!

And a spe­cial thank you to all of the Host Hous­es and vol­un­teers. It takes a vil­lage to cre­ate such a great com­mu­ni­ty event!!


Hi every­one, we wait­ed as long as we could for the weath­er to coop­er­ate but there are severe thun­der­storms pre­dict­ed dur­ing the time we would be playing. 

For the very first time, we are going to have to post­pone the tour­na­ment until Sun­day, July 30th.  All the times, ros­ters and loca­tions of the games remains the same.

Sun­day looks like a beau­ti­ful, cool­er day with no rain.

Thanks, and see you Sunday! EmojiEmoji

Your LMPA Corn­hole Committee

And the winner is.….

DUCK BOAT!!! Con­grat­u­la­tions to Colleen Mar­tin, fam­i­ly and friends for a repeat win!

Thank you to all who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the boat parade and to those who cheered them on from the sidelines!!!!!